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CORNWELL’S TURKEYVILLE U.S.A.   Presents  -  Church Basement Ladies

October 6, 2020 

Church Basement Ladies is a celebration of the church basement kitchen and the women who work there. This features four distinct characters and their relationships as they organize the food and the problems of a rural Minnesota church. From the elderly Matriarch of the kitchen to the young bride-to-be learning the proper order of things, the play and music give us a touching, funny look at their lives as we see them handle a record breaking Christmas dinner, the funeral of a dear friend, a Hawaiian Easter Fundraiser, and a steaming hot July wedding. They stave off potential disasters, share and debate recipes, instruct the young and keep the Pastor on due course while thoroughly enjoying, (and tolerating) each other. Funny and down to earth, audiences will recognize these ladies as they begin to see the Church year unfold from below the House of God....This is most certainly true.

7:00a.m.-Deckerville Community Center lot on Ella & Maple St.
7:30a.m.- St. Columbkille lot.  M-53 & Atwater Rd.
8:00a.m.-Scott’s Quick Stop- west side of gravel lot.
8:20a.m. Marlette-city lot across from Eddy G’s
8:30a.m.-Burnside Township Hall- Park-n-ride.  M-53 & M-90
8:50a.m. Imlay City Save-a-lot south of Lucky’s Please arrive to your chosen pick up location 15 minutes prior to the departure time.
Round trip transportation via Motor Coach
Traditional Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings                  
served before the show    
Reservered seats for the 2:00 p.m. show of 
The Church Basement Ladies
Escorted by a Parrott’s Tours Representative

$90.00 Per Person

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